ATTENTION! READ CAREFULLY: By using the accompanying software, you indicate your acceptance of the following Incendo Technology Freeware License Agreement: 1. LICENSE. Incendo Technology hereby grants you a non-exclusive, transferable license to use its software product and accompanying documentation (the program's object code and documentation are collectively referred to as the "Software") on the following terms and only for non-commercial purposes (see Section 2 below). You may: a. use the Software on any computer in your possession; b. make copies of the Software, and c. distribute the Software in its original, unmodified freeware form to third parties provided that these parties accept the terms of this license agreement. 2. LIMITATIONS ON LICENSE a. You shall not REVERSE ENGINEER, DECOMPILE, DISASSEMBLE, OR OTHERWISE REDUCE ANY PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE TO ANY HUMAN PERCEIVABLE FORM b. The software is to be used for non-commercial purposes only, unless you obtain written consent from Incendo Technology. c. Selling, licensing or renting the software to third parties for a fee is strictly prohibited. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE CLAUSES ABOVE, YOUR USER RIGHTS ARE AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED. THIS TERMINATION IS IN ADDITION TO THE LEGAL, CIVIL OR OTHER ACTIONS THAT INCENDO TECHNOLOGY MAY SEEK. 3. LIMITED WARRANTY Under no circumstances shall Incendo Technology nor any other person or third party involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the Software be liable for any lost revenue or profits or any incidental, indirect, or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use the Software or related products or documentation. 4. PROPERTY By accepting this Agreement, you acknowledge that, as between you and Incendo Technology, Incendo Technology is the owner of all intellectual property rights in and to the Vectir Software including copyright, trademark, patent, and all other proprietary rights that exist throughout the world. 5. MODIFICATION Incendo Technology reserves the right to modify or amend this Agreement at any time and for any reason or for no reason at all, in their sole discretion without notice.